Old love never dies

We also promise not to leace any customer hanging in the future and to guarantee the availability of parts for at least 15 years after purchase!
That’s why we are happy to buy back our old devices at a good price – which makes the previous owner happy.

According to a chronicle, around 1860 Neuötting had around 2000 inhabitants, around 350 houses, around 630 households and 9 breweries. Even then, the impressive sum of 20,000 hl of beer was brewed in Neuötting. The only remaining brewery was the Müllerbräu brewery, which was first mentioned in a document in 1768 as the “Brodmannsche Brauerei” and has therefore been in existence for 256 years.

This is how a miho inspector can look after 28 years

24 JahFor 24 years, a good tenth of this period, miho Inspektionssysteme has been supporting the Müllerbräu brewery with regard to inspection technology. In 2000, Reinhard Müller senior (Managing Director) and Harald Haag (Brewmaster) of the brewery decided to purchase an empty bottle inspector. Many discussions were held to determine exactly what they wanted and what they needed. In the end, the decision was made to buy a used and reconditioned miho David. The device in question had the serial number 008, was manufactured in 1995 and had been working at a mineral spring in the northern Black Forest. As modernization work at the mineral water bottling plant meant that the machine’s operating direction was no longer correct, it was decided to replace the empty bottle inspector with a new miho David with the correct operating direction. This cleared the way for a move from the Black Forest to Upper Bavaria. Before being reinstalled in Neuötting, the inspector was given a general overhaul and its software was brought up to date. Over the years, it did its job successfully. His new workplace offered a good working environment thanks to regular care, maintenance and updates, which were ensured by miho.

In 2023, 23 years after the machine was installed in Neuötting, the brewery and miho came together again and this time it was Reinhard Müller Jr. and Harald Haag who wanted to talk to us about the possibilities with regard to empty bottle inspection. The focus was on support for the existing machine, but also on the question of performance. The conclusion was that, even though the machine had been upgraded and updated over the years, it was no longer state of the art.

After more than 29 years of continuous use, in April 2024 the old miho David No. 008 (David 1 sold more than 350 times worldwide) was allowed to make way for one of its grandson, the miho David No. 227 ( David 2 sold more than 235 times worldwide) and go into its well-deserved retirement. This means that the oldest miho David empty bottle inspection machine currently on the market is saying goodbye. As a result, the serial number 053 from 1998 has replaced 008, which is a real success story for both sides when you consider the 29-year period. Back then, the Müllerbräu brewery opted for an inspection machine from miho and it has delivered impeccable results for 24 years. Over all this time, a more than cooperative relationship has developed on which the brewery has been able to build, not only in terms of overall support.

Dear Müllerbräu brewery from Neuötting, thank you for allowing us to accompany you for almost a tenth of your brewery’s existence. Here’s to the next 24 years – cheers!

The miho David 2 was taken into use in April 2024
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