miho: Solutions that just work – out of the box
Rather than stitching together machines and smart cameras in order to have a functioning system, even small customers more and more see the value of buying solutions, instead. Miho offers integrated systems, containing perfectly synchronized control devices with peripheral conveyors or line regulation, in order to offer a complete inspection. Along with a high level of customization, we can tailor our solutions to fit the customer’s needs. These systems are pre-commissioned and pre-setup at miho Germany, so that most of them can be installed with very little effort on site.
The advantage of our integrated pre-commissioned systems lies in a fast on-site installation, resulting in minimal down times of the customer lines. For the customers, time is money, and every minute they cannot produce costs. Therefore, miho puts great efforts in pre-setup of our machines in the factory in Ahnatal, Germany, as much as possible.
Even in 2022, travel restrictions and quarantines prevail, making it difficult to travel to customers. Along with political instabilities and other factors like rising costs everywhere, a remote installation becomes more and more attractive to customers.
We and our sales and service partners try to make installation ad setup on site as fast and convenient as possible, not only to minimize downtime, but also to have that possibility of a remote installation and commissioning. With our miho technical support and remote diagnostics tools, we are able to assist the setup and commissioning phase on site and help the customer’s staff throughout the whole process. For the customer, the advantages are: less travel costs and better availability of miho service engineers.
In 2020/2021, we installed 3 miho EC-Cam and 4 miho Newton Optics 2, as well as one miho Allround system together with our local partner in the Philippines. Furthermore, also a fill level control miho Newton X2Z was installed in Australia in 2022. Due to Corona travel restrictions, remote installation and setup was the only way of completing the projects. Therefore, all machines—including short infeed/outfeed conveyance and reject tables—were pre-commissioned and pre-setup at miho Germany. Our local partner could therefore, together with the assistance of miho remote support, install, setup and commission the systems fairly easy, resulting in a confident customer.
To gain an impression of the pre-commissioning at miho, view the Picture (Figure 1) below:
In addition, as we had the case for another miho partner, we have put together a step-by-step installation tutorial video, as you can see the screenshot below (Figure 2). This, in combination with a fully rotatable 3D model of the customer’s line layout (Figure 3) made the installation process easy to understand and clearly visible to our partner.
miho out of the box at a glance:
- One functional unit: out of the box means for miho core control device integrated in peripheral conveyance, sometimes integrated with in-line regulation
- The equipment can be setup and commissioned on site, without the necessity of miho staff being present
- However, you are not alone: miho out of the box means you are qualified prior to installation by training on your own device at miho, by digital consultation and remote support, as well as complete documentation
Therefore, your advantages as miho ISP are:
- Less miho travel costs, resulting in more competitive solutions
- More flexibility, due to remote commissioning
- More reliability: no fear of travel restrictions, due to Covid or other imponderables
We think that this is the right way to go for the future. Of course, service engineers on site prevail and will always play an important role in the maintenance and the profound long product life of miho equipment, but especially taking current events—political or pandemic—into consideration, remote services make an excellent alternative to on site visits, when the situation allows.